I found this turtle stuck in our fence while we were taking a nature walk. We tried to get him free but we couldn't bend the fence wires enough and the turtle was hissing and snapping.

When my dad got home he got it free. It was dark then so we didn't take any pictures. My little brother likes to watch Go, Diego, Go on tv. It's a cartoon show about a boy who rescues animals that need help. He kept saying the whole time it was a leatherback sea turtle and Diego was coming to help us save it. I thought that was funny.
I too had a little brother, back many years ago when I was a little girl. He was funny then, still is too. I now have 3 boys, 1 girl and one little grandson. My boys thought they were Ninja Turtles when they were little and my litttle grandon loves to watch Ciau (I think that is how you spell it). Anyway thank you for sharing your story about the turtle and your little brother, little brothers are funny aren't they.
Miss Valerie
Awesome job! When we lived in Death Valley California we use to keep rescued turtles untill they were well for release. Sometimes we had quite a few. Most were hit by cars and just needed time to heal.
I think it's awesome you were able to help out!! (even if it took dad helping too!! )
I'm an animal lover so I love to hear happing ending stories like this!!!
Brothers are funny sometimes, aren't they?! (as my oldest would say...only sometimes mom! : })
Thanks for sharing,
Mrs. Robyn
Wow ! What a amazing adventure ! I am glad your dad was able to help you rescue this little guy. PTL
I just LOVED your pics too. Good job with your S&T.
Blessings in Him<><
That's great that you were able to rescue the turtle. We rescued a turtle once and put him out into the wild.
Your friend,
What an awesome show and tell!
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